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Manuals, Protocols and Reference Guides
for Community Drug Checking Programs

These resources are for organizations that are thinking about or implementing community drug checking.

Manuals, Protocols, and Technical Briefs​​​​ â€‹â€‹

       This is a brief reference guide for using StreetCheck's Collector and Portal for data collection. 

       This guide was developed for StreetCheck users to reference when attaching flags to cataloged samples.

This guide was developed for StreetCheck users to reference when conducting FTIR analysis.​​ 

This is a brief reference document on common active cuts found in opioids and stimulants when using FTIR.

This is a brief reference document on common inactive cuts found in opioids and stimulants when using FTIR.  â€‹

This is a brief reference document for using immunoassay test strips for drug checking (FTS, XTS, BTS)

This guide was developed by the MADDS Team to provide guidance on sending samples to external lab partners.

This is a brief reference document for quality control on StreetCheck.

This brief reference document provides guidance and tips for using xylazine test strips for drug checking. 

This brief reference document provides guidance for testing cannabis and blotter paper samples.



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CDC Stimulant Guide


The guide intends to assist people who interact with people who use stimulants or are interested in understanding issues related to stimulants in their community. This guide answers the common question about stimulants, stimulant use, stimulant overdose, and stimulant overdose prevention developed by harm reduction experts. The answers provided in this guide are to convey essential information to a variety of audiences. The guide does not contain medical advice; it is purely information and should not be referred to in case of emergency.


To access the guide, click HERE.

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